THE INDIE ARTIST PODCAST wants to hear YOUR music!!! Send us your new album or EP, or 3 songs from your bandcamp. It sucks writing and recording music that matters to you only to feel like no one is listening, so here we are. We’re listening. Send it and we’ll do everything we can to review it and post it, if we really like it(or really hate it), we might even use it on our show. Either way at least one more person wants to hear what it is that matters to you, so hit us up!

It doesn’t have to be a completed album, you don’t need a presskit(that doesn’t mean we won’t take one). Just send us a link to your music(or the files) and some basic information about you and your project, and we’ll take care of the rest. All genres are accepted, we love everything from world music to hardcore, and anything in between. The only thing we ask is that you help us share what we’re doing! Tell your friends, fans, and family about us, like us on facebook, or follow us on twitter, and listen to the show! Most importantly keep writing new music and we’ll keep listening.

Send your stuff to sure to send the tracks or a free download code for your bandcamp)!!

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